Cloth nappy detergents

Most laundry detergents without softener, are safe for cloth nappies however don't all clean properly. Fabric softener covers the fibers of the fabric which inhibits absorption.

We do not recommend using any that are not on the list below. Baby detergents and most new eco ones are not suitable. **We have not had good results with Omo.**

We recommend using the NURTURER detergent (50g / 5kg) and Oxygen bleach (50g / 5kg ), available online (not the nappy wash product). Yet to be added to the list below. We have had great results using this brand. The O2 bleach is added to the rinse cycle once a week as a deep cleaning agent to prevent build up. 

You can use the detergent for both nappies and clothes. It`s 100% natural and biodegradable, suitable for sensitive skin and really a lovely product for household use. Leaves nappies and clothes feeling soft. 

Below is a summary of the manufacturer's instructions for the most common detergents.

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